Email Marketing

Build Customer Relationships & Scale Revenue

Email marketing is the most powerful digital marketing tactic that helps businesses attract new potential clients, stay in touch with previous buyers and convert previous sales into new sales. And, the best element about email marketing is that you can automate the whole process with precision and have access to valuable reporting.

We Build High Converting Campaigns

With years of cumulative B2B and B2C experience and expertise across a multitude of industries, our email marketing solution will enable your company to build a comprehensive, seamless, results-driven strategy designed to scale engagement and impact revenue.

Our full-service managed solution is comprised of providing you:
- Comprehensive Program Strategy & Continuous Innovation
- Content Development and Design
- List Segmentation, Testing & Deployment
- Content Calendars and Marketing Automation
- Strong Deliverability Rates
- Campaign Analysis & Optimization

Email Marketing Campaigns We Offer

Depending on your business goals, we run many types of email marketing campaigns, including:

  • Email Newsletters: The main goal of such emails is to establish a relationship between your customers and your company. Newsletters don’t feature any explicit sales pitches and serve to educate and inform your readers
  • Transactional Emails: These types of emails are sent based on customer’s behavior and interaction with a company. Transactional emails provide a great opportunity for cross selling and upselling
  • Direct Emails: These emails usually include information about special offers or new products, and they increase both overall sales volume and revenue per customer
  • Trigger-based Emails: These personalized emails are sent to users according to their actions on your website. These boosts sales, generates leads, increases customer loyalty, and provides a great return on investment.